On Mar, 8, YUTANI Yasuaki, head of committee for global relations office of RIKEN, led a delegation of 6 members to visit Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC),CAS.
Prof. Zhao Zhensheng, Deputy Director of TIPC, delivered a welcome remark to the guests, and gave an introduction of TIPC, CAS. YUTANI Yasuaki introduced the main research areas of RIKEN.
The RIKEN delegation also visited Lab of Organic Nanophotonics, Lab of Optoelectric Functional Interface Materials and Center for Crystal Research and Development. During the visit, Prof. Duan Xuanming, Prof. Zhijinfang and Prof. Hu Zhanggui also held talks with the guests.

Prof. Zhao Zhensheng gave an introduction of TIPC to the guests