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The Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIPCCAS) was founded in Beijing in June 1999 on the basis of the former Institute of Photographic Chemistry, the former Cryogenic Laboratory, as well as some relevant departments from Beijing Research and Development Center of Artificial Crystals and from the Institute of Chemistry of CAS.

The TIPCCAS focuses on multi-disciplinary fields in physics, chemistry and engineering technology. As a national institute, the TIPCCAS dedicates to high-technology innovation and technology transfer to serve for the national economic and social development. On one hand, the institute has been strengthening its fundamental research in the frontier technologies to further develop its innovation capacity; on the other hand, great efforts have been made to promote the cooperation with industry to transform the research achievements into practical applications.

The key research areas of TIPCCAS include the optical functional materials and devices, the functional crystals and laser technology, the new technologies of cryogenic engineering, the Bio-based materials, and the medical technical equipments. 

The TIPCCAS has been responsible for a number of important research projects. Many highly impacted research achievements have been obtained at both national and international levels since the institute’s foundation, e.g.: a deep ultraviolet (DUV) solid-state laser device has made China the first country mastering the technology; a new technology for Vitamin D3 production has significantly contributed to the industry; the new progress in 3D micro-structures of nanometer composites has been achieved using the multiphoton nano-processing technology; a method to print flexible electronic circuits on paper using liquid metal ink has paved the way for a simple, low-cost method for printing paper electronics. 

Up to date, The TIPCCAS has set up one national key laboratory, one national engineering research center, four CAS key laboratories and many other laboratories research centers and research groups. The institute has been authorized both the Master’s programs and the Ph.D. programs. The post-doctoral positions have been set up and the institute has become an important researching base in the fields of organic and inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, condensed state physics, applied chemistry, refrigeration and cryogenic engineering.

The TIPCCAS has a total of 510 staffs, among whom there are four members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), one Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences, two members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 79 research professors, and 146 associate research professors. There are also over 400 graduate students doing their coursework and research work at the institute.

The TIPCCAS are active in the international cooperation and exchanges. Long-term partnership has been established with major S&T institutions worldwide from the USA, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, etc. The institute has played important roles with other key international scientific organizations and participates in the international mega-science programs such as ITER and TMT. The frequency of such activities has reached 200 persons/times per year. By 2014, more than 20 international academic conferences have been organized by the institute; nine scientists from the institute have taken executive positions in international science organizations.

The TIPCCAS’s affiliates include the Chinese Society of Photographic Science and Engineering, the Committee of Photochemistry of the Chinese Chemical Society, the Committee of Photochemistry of the Chinese Solar Energy Society, the Cryogenics Division of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration, and the Division of Cryogenic Physics of the Chinese Physical Society. The Institute publishes the journal of Imaging Science and Photochemistry.

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