Professor LIU Jing from the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIPCCAS) received the William Begell Medal at the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-15) held in Kyoto, Japan on August 10-15, 2014. It is the first time that the award has been issued to a Chinese scientist.
The William Begell Medal is awarded to an individual from among the approximately 35 invited to deliver Keynote lectures at the IHTC and who is held in high regard by the heat transfer community for her/his contributions and excellence in thermal science and engineering and whose IHTC Keynote paper is judged to make a profound contribution to the thermal science and engineering literature. The Mdedal was established by the International Centre of Heat and Mass Transfer and the Assembly of the International Heat Transfer Conference with the sponsorship of Begell House Inc. in 2010. So far, it has given rise to 2 recipients.
Professor LIU Jing received his double bachelor’s degrees (B.E. in Turbo Machinery and B.S. in Physics) in 1992, and Ph.D. in Thermal Science in 1996, all from Tsinghua University. He then served as assistant professor there, a postdoctoral research associate at Purdue University, and a visiting scholar at MIT. He has been a professor at the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences since July 1999 and a professor at Tsinghua University since August 2008.
Dr. Liu works intensively at the interdisciplinary areas of thermal sciences. He has made significant contributions to the bioheat transfer area through numerous conceptual innovation, methodology development and technical inventions spanning from high- to low-temperature medicines.
Particularly, he proposed the concept of Nano-Cryosurgery and alkali metal hyperthermia therapy for a better targeted ablation of tumor. Through 15 years’ continuous efforts, his invention on the Combined Cryosurgical/Hyperthermia System for Tumor Treatment has been translated into clinical trial. Facing the ever tougher high flux heat dissipation challenges, Dr. Liu pioneered a group of nonconventional technologies through introducing the room temperature liquid metals into rather diverse areas like: thermal management of computer, LED, mobile electronics, power and energy systems etc. He proposed the concept of water-free heat exchanger via liquid metal aiming to suggest a generalized way for revolutionizing modern heat transport processes and industry.
Dr. Liu’s another noteworthy contribution is initiating the Liquid Metal Printed Electronics from which electronic circuit, sensor, conductive film or 3D metal objects can be printed out in a moment. His work in applying liquid metal to electrically connect the severed nerves was attributed as “most amazing medical breakthroughs” and aroused tremendous attentions over the world. These fundamental innovations are expected to generate profound impact for future electronic science, engineering as well as medicine.
Dr. Liu is an active member of K-16 and Biotransport Committee of the ASME. As topic chair and along with K-16 members, he organized the topic 9-13 (Heat Transfer in Electronic Equipment) in ASME 2013 IMECE. Since 2012, he has been serving as an associate editor for the journal: Frontiers in Energy. As an educator, Dr. Liu tried his best to contribute to the teaching, research, design and development of several newly emerging frontiers in thermal science, energy and bioengineering through nine popular book publications. Many of them have been widely adopted as textbooks throughout China or introduced overseas. Particularly, his book “Micro/Nano Scale Heat Transfer”, first appeared in 2001, has been reprinted five times over the years. Apart from that, Dr. Liu has published fifteen invited book chapters, over three hundred peer reviewed journal papers. Quite a few of his researches were featured by world renowned media like: New Scientist, MIT Technology Review, IEEE Spectrum, ASME ME Today, Physics Today, Newsweek, Daily Mail, Discovery, Chemistry World, National Geographic Daily News, and Fox News etc.
Dr. Liu is a recipient of 2010-2011 Best Paper of the Year Award from ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, National Science and Technology Award for Chinese Young Scientist, Mao Yi-Sheng Science and Technology Award for Beijing Youth. He has graduated more than 50 Ph.D. or Master degree students and received five times highest teaching award from the CAS.

Professor LIU Jing from TIPC Receives The William Begell Medal (Image by TIPC)

Professor LIU Jing from TIPC Receives The William Begell Medal (Image by TIPC)