Droplet-assisted Fabrication of Porphyrin Colloidal Crystals from Flower-shaped Janus Particles |
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A facile fabrication of flower-shaped porphyrin Janus colloids with oriented arrangement was demonstrated based on the interfacial assembly and water droplet template. The colloidal crystals assembled from flower-shaped particles show special optic signal resulted from the hierarchical structures.Chem. Commun., 2014 
Schematic illustration of the formation process of flower-shaped porphyrin Janus particles. The process includes spreading CPTNPP suspension onto the substrate (A), formation of water droplet template (B), encapsulation of the water droplet template by CPTNPP vesicles (C), the integration of the encapsulated droplet toward flower-shaped Janus particles (D), and the resultant CPTNPP assembly in the particles (E, F). The inserted scheme is to guild the understanding of the formation process of the particle. 
Characterization of as-prepared flower-shaped assembly. SEM images of front side (A), back side (B), cross-section (C) and aggregation (D) of assynthesized flower-shaped particles. (E) TEM and (F) AFM image of flowershaped particles, the inserted red circle is to guide the observation. (G) opticmicroscopy and (H) fluorescent image of the large-scale flower-shaped particles. The inserted photos in left bottom of Figure 1A and B are the front side or back side of the actual flower, to comparing the as-fabricated flower-shaped particles. |