Benchmark chromophore C1 and counterpart chromophore C2 with the same electron donor and acceptor was designed and synthesized to compare their different electro-optic coefficients and long term stability by doping system. The electro-optic coefficient of a poled film containing 25 wt% of C1 doped in amorphous polycarbonate (25 wt% C1/APC) afforded a value of 22 pm/V at 1310 nm, while 25 wt% C2/APC afforded a value of 60 pm/V. After annealing at 85 °C for 500 h, the poled film of 25 wt% C2/APC could retain more than 85% of its initial r33 value. In contrast, only 75% of the initial r33 value of the poled film of 25 wt% C1/APC was kept after 300 h. The excellent thermostability and its good temporal stability in APC made C2 a favorable candidate for practical application. Materials Letters, 2015
Performance of chromophore C2 (below) has better improvement compared to chromophore C1 (above) due to the π-electron bridge. |