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Lecture given by Dr. Dave Evans The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK.
Author: admin
Update time: 2007-08-15
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   Invited by Cryogenic Material & Applied Superconductivity, Dr. Dave Evans come to Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of CAS in Mar.9, 2007. He introduced the process, cryogenic and radiation characteristic of epoxy resins with a status report —Processing, cryogenic and radiation characteristics of epoxy resins. Dr. Dave Evans is the Member of ICMC. He made fundamental contributions to the board of resin based composites at low temperatures since having scientific communication with TIPC in 1999. He was award visiting professor by Zhao Zhensheng, the deputy director of TIPC.


  David Evans, born in 1940, majored in the chemistry and technology of plastics materials, at the London School of Polymer Science and obtained a doctorate in chemistry at The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He has been a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry since 1974 and member of ICMC since 1979. Dr. Dave Evans has spent years working with resin based composites and written nearly 200 technical papers. He solved the problem of insulation of two large superconducting magnets built at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and worked with the US on developing the resin for and the impregnation of the US model coil for the ITER, and relationship between the chemical structure of polymers and their performance.
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