Prof. Paul D. Beer gave a wonderful lecture
Prof. Paul D. Beer from Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford paid a visit to Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC),CAS on Nov. 5, 2010 and gave a lecture entitled Interlocked Host Molecules for Anion Recognition and Core Shell Nanoparticles for Catalysis.
In the lecture, Prof. Paul D. Beer introduced his recent work on interlocked host molecules for anion recognition and core shell nanoparticles for catalysis.
Prof. Paul D. Beer's group's general field of research is host-guest macrocyclic coordination chemistry which covers a broad area of interests, including Sensors for Anionic Guest Species, Rotaxane and Catenane Based Devices, Surface and Nanoparticle Based Anion Sensors, Ion-Pair Recognition/Switches, Transition Metal Directed Self-Assembly of Nanosized Molecular Host Systems,and so on.