At the invitation of Key Laboratory of Crystal and Laser Technology Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Matthias F. Kling from the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) visited Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC) for academic exchanges on Feb 18 and gave a lecture entitled Attosecond control of strong-field processes in molecules and nanoparticles.
In the lecture, Prof. Kling reviewed the principles and development of ultrafast laser science firstly,then gave a insight into the technique of the control of the electric field waveform of laser light. It opened the door to the direct manipulation of electron dynamics on attosecond timescales. Waveform controlled few-cycle pulses and femtosecond two-color laser fields have been used to control a variety of strong-field processes, including the electron emission from atoms, molecules and nanoparticles, the localization of electrons in molecular dissociation, and the field-free orientation of molecule. Later, Prof. Kling introduced the MPG-CAS Cooperation Program.
After the report, Prof. Kling discussed the topic in the researches of mutual interest with the researchers and graduate students in TIPC, particularly on the nano-structure and new functional crystals in the application of ultrafast laser technology.
Prof. Kling now is the leader of the Emmy-Noether research group “Attosecond Imaging” within the devision of F. Krausz, MPQ, Garching, Germany. His Research expertise and fields includes:1) Attosecond observation and control of collective electron dynamics. 2) 3D momentum imaging of attosecond dynamics in atoms, molecules and nanostructures in strong laser fields. 3) Ionization dynamics in strong laser fields.