C(sp 3) ![[BOND]](http://onlinelibrarystatic.wiley.com/undisplayable_characters/00f8ff.gif) C-bonded diamond nanowires are wide band gap semiconductors that exhibit a combination of superior properties such as negative electron affinity, chemical inertness, high Young’s modulus, the highest hardness, and room-temperature thermal conductivity. The creation of 1D diamond nanowires with their giant surface-to-volume ratio enhancements makes it possible to control and enhance the fundamental properties of diamond. Although theoretical comparisons with carbon nanotubes have shown that diamond nanowires are energetically and mechanically viable structures, reproducibly synthesizing the crystalline diamond nanowires has remained challenging. We present a comprehensive, up-to-date review of diamond nanowires, including a discussion of their synthesis along with their structures, properties, and applications. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014 A typical RIE setup, consisting of two electrodes (1 and 4) that create an electric field (3), which can accelerate the ions (2) toward the surface of the samples (5). |