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Studies on the controlling growth of silicon nanostructures and their application
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Silicon nanostructures are considered as the fundamental building units for future nano-/macro- electronic devices. Investigations on Si nanostructures could find solutions to the technique barriers of fabricating CMOS nanoscale devices; moreover, novel electronic and optical properties of Si nanostructures such as highly efficient luminescence could be found, which could bring the new generation of Si-based photoelectronic devices. Therefore, studies on the controlling growth of silicon nanostructures and the fundamentals for their application are strategically and prospectively important. Based on this, we will launch our project involving the following three aspects: firstly, modulate optical, electrical and surface characters of silicon nanostructures through understanding the relationship between their key properties and size/morphology/structure. Secondly, intensively study silicon nanostructure-based photoelectronic, sensor and photovoltaic devices, and make original innovation in the research of device-related experiments and theories.Thirdly, bring up a world-wide known research group and research base, and make our research achieve the international advanced level in the field of silicon nanostructures.

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