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The Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIPC-CAS) was founded in Beijing in June 1999 on the basis of the former Institute of Photographic Chemistry, the former Cryogenic Laboratory, as well as relevant departments from Beijing Research and Development Center of Artificial Crystals and the Institute of Chemistry of CAS.  

TIPC focuses on the research of interdisciplinary fields in physics, chemistry and engineering technology. The research fields including: optical functional materials and devices, functional crystals and laser technology, new technologies of cryogenic engineering, photochemistry, biomimetic smart interfacial materials, bio-based materials, medical technical equipment and degradable plastic materials. 

Up to date, TIPC has over 900 staffs and 700 postgraduate students. There are 6 academicians of CAS, 1 academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences, 1 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 102 professors, and 166 associate professors among staffs. TIPC has set up 1 national key laboratory, 1 national engineering research center, 6 CAS key laboratories and several research centers.  

Certain society and committee are operated under TIPC, such as the Chinese Society of Photographic Science and Engineering, the Committee of Photochemistry of the Chinese Chemical Society, the Committee of Photochemistry of the Chinese Solar Energy Society, the Cryogenics Division of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration, and the Division of Cryogenic Physics of the Chinese Physical Society. Imaging Science and Photochemistry is open published by TIPC.