At the invitation of Key Laboratory of Photochemical Conversion and Optoelectronic Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Roman Boulatov from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign paid a visit to Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC), CAS on May. 3, 2011 and gave a wonderful lecture entitled The Force Behind Mechanochemistry.
In the lecture, Prof. Roman Boulatov described the contributions of his group to developing the theory of chemical kinetics in energy gradients, the experimental and computational tools they had created to test this theory and the counterintuitive results about the relationships between force and reaction rates that these tools revealed.
Prof. Roman Boulatov's research expertise and fields includes: conceptual understanding and experimental studies of reaction dynamics of multiscale phenomena in context of materials and biological sciences; design of new stress-responsive polymers; development and testing of kinetic models that incorporate molecular restoring force as variable; energy conversion.