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Cryogenic Measurement Device Exhibited in China-France Science and Technology Cooperation Achievement Exhibition

Update time:2024-05-13
The China-France Science and Technology Cooperation Achievement Exhibition, co-organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, held on May 6th and May 7th in Paris, France.

A cryogenic measurement device (model) developed by the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIPC, CAS) was exhibited in the Exhibition. Mr. GUO Xiaoyong, deputy director of TIPC, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

The exhibition was held to celebrate the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations. The cooperation history between China and France, especially the scientific and technological cooperation achievements in key areas such as basic research, agricultural, food, environment and biomedicine since 1978 have been systematically reviewed in the exhibition.

TIPC and LNE has carried out substantive cooperation in the field of cryogenic metrology since 2016. As a significant cooperation achievement, TIPC developed a measurement device with the highest accuracy in low-temperature region (5K-24.5K). It is the device (model) presented in the exhibition.

Cryogenic Measurement Device Model Displayed in the Exhibition

Deputy Director GUO Xiaoyong Delivered Speech in Opening Ceremony
