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Professor Chennupati Jagadish from the Australian Academy of Science visited TIPC

Update time:2024-06-27
Invited by The Ninth CASAD Academic Conference and TIPC’s Future Science and Technology Forum, Professor Chennupati Jagadish visited TIPC on June 24th and delivered an academic report titled "Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronics Applications".

Professor Chennupati Jagadish is the President of the Australian Academy of Science, Foreign Member of CAS, and Head of Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology Group in Research School of Physics at the Australian National University.


During the report meeting, Professor Jagadish introduced the growth and optical properties of nanowires, nanomembranes, and microrings. He discussed the theoretical design and experimental results of optoelectronic devices, with a particular focus on nanowire and microring lasers and their integration. Additionally, he presented research findings on polarization sensitive, broad bandwidth THz detectors operating at room temperature, as well as nanowire-based solar cells and photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting technology. Finally, Professor Jagadish explored the future prospects of semiconductor nanostructures.


Researchers, postdoctoral fellows and graduated students attended the lecture. Professor Jagadish has engaged in an in-depth discussion with the audience.


The report meeting was hosted by Professor. WANG Shutao. And on behalf of the TIPC, Professor WANG Shutao issued honor certificate of the Future Science and Technology Forum to Professor Jagadish.

Professor Jagadish Delivers Academic Report

Professor WANG Shutao Issued Honor Certificate to Professor Jagadish

Q&A Session after Report